Guardian World Cup Guide

Der Guardian erzählt launig was über alle Teams der WM in Stichworten. Hier steht ihre Einschätzung zu Deutschland, das anscheinend im Viertelfinale rausfliegt. (Say it ain’t so, Joe.)

The Country

Commentators’ kit

The Germans are the world’s greatest proponents of naturism. More than 12 million of the country’s inhabitants – about a fifth of the adult population – visit nudist beaches each year – “And you’d have to say, Chris Waddle, that Germany’s defence was certainly exposed there, heh heh.”

They gave the world

Neanderthal man. The hairy, ape-like prehistoric chap originally lived just outside Cologne. A glance at Oliver Kahn confirms that the genes are still around.

National monument

The efficiency of Germany’s social institutions, infrastructure and economic success has created a nation that is increasingly at ease with itself – it’s not sexy dance music, or looking cool on a scooter, but hey…”

Ich habe in meinem Freundeskreis übrigens niemand, der jemals am FKK-Strand war, aber vielleicht treibe ich mich mit den falschen 80% der Bevölkerung rum.