Tagebuch Montag, 11. September 2023 – Backhendl und Karfiol

Abends mit F. Schwester und Schwager ins charmante Waltz ausgeführt, wo man uns auch schon kannte und sich mit uns darüber freute, dass noch ein paar Lafarges auf der Karte waren, die wir noch nicht ausgetrunken hatten. Geplant waren zwei Flaschen Wein, es wurden dann drei, wir genossen Rehbratwurst, Krauthäuptl, Backhendl und Karfiol, und ausnahmsweise fuhr auch mal die U2. F. und ich waren erst zweimal im Waltz gewesen und an beiden Abenden hatte die MVG gestreikt, weswegen wir ein Taxi nahmen anstatt uns ohne umzusteigen von mir zum Lokal chauffieren zu lassen. Aber gestern dann endlich!

Erneut ein netter Abend. Die Woche geht vermutlich auch so weiter. Hach!

Photo ban lifted on Picasso’s Guernica after 30 years

Man darf jetzt Selfies vor der „Guernica“ machen. Darauf hätte ich verzichten können, aber ich kann jedes Museum verstehen, dass einsieht, dass heute halt alle Fotos machen wollen, weil halt alle Fotos machen können.

(via @musermeku)

Mir hat das Anschauen gereicht, ich hätte kein Foto machen wollen.

A Sacred Task

2021 veröffentliche „Elle“ Berichte von Fotografinnen und Journalistinnen, die 9/11 erlebt hatten.

„Ruth Fremson, New York Times staff photographer: It just was this whoosh of grit and dust. I opened my eyes, and it felt like somebody was grating sandpaper across them. Instead of crashing, things started landing softly all around us—thud, thud, thud—because of all the dust. As things settled, we made our way to a deli. We started helping ourselves to the water in the deli case and just spitting out mouthfuls of mud. I started taking pictures of the people who were stumbling in. When I made my way back outside, one of the firemen said to me, “I wouldn’t go too far. The other one might come down, too.” All I saw through this white haze was this one tower shining in the sun. […]

Amna Nawaz, PBS NewsHour chief correspondent: I was the only Muslim in the newsroom, and I had a lot of older, white colleagues asking me all kinds of questions about my faith, like: What does this word mean? Were you ever taught about jihad? Does the Quran really say this? There was such a lack of understanding, and that led to suspicion and scrutiny and animosity. I saw how necessary it was for someone like me to be in this conversation. My parents are originally from Pakistan. We spent a lot of time there growing up, so I’m deeply connected to the region. We had a meeting in the newsroom at one point where people were casually talking about war and dropping bombs and casualty numbers. I thought, that’s my family over there. I was so upset, I had to leave the meeting. Ted Koppel called me into his office later that day and asked if I was okay. I just started to cry. I was so scared and upset, and I didn’t know what was going on. All I kept thinking was, I can’t believe I’m crying in front of Ted Koppel.“

Gestern landete ein Tweet in meiner Mastodon-Timeline, den ich nicht ganz abnicke, aber zwei Sätze daraus auf jeden Fall. Bitte nie vergessen.

„When you study the Holocaust on an academic level, you learn two things: First, yes, however bad you thought the Nazis were, they were worse. And second, they were totally average, ordinary people.“