Tagebuch 29.04.2010

Ein paar Links, die mir gestern über den Weg gelaufen sind:

– As Lost Ends, Creators Explain How They Did It, What’s Going On (via Lus Gezwitscher)

– The Revolution Will Be Commercialized – How Sarah Palin Has Become a Singular National Industry

“On Friday morning, July 3, Palin called her cameraman to her house in Wasilla and asked him to be on hand to record a prepared speech. Around noon, in front of a throng of national reporters, she announced that she was stepping down as governor. To many, it seemed a mysterious move, defying the logic of a potential presidential candidate, and possibly reflecting some hidden scandal—but in fact the choice may have been as easy as balancing a checkbook.

Less than a year later, Sarah Palin is a singular national industry. She didn’t invent her new role out of whole cloth. Other politicians have cashed out, used the revolving door, doing well in business after doing good in public service. Entertainment figures like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jesse Ventura, and even Ronald Reagan have worked the opposite angle, leveraging their celebrity to make their way in politics. And family dramas have been a staple of politics from the Kennedys—or the Tudors—on down. But no one else has rolled politics and entertainment into the same scintillating, infuriating, spectacularly lucrative package the way Palin has or marketed herself over multiple platforms with the sophistication and sheer ambitiousness that Palin has shown, all while maintaining a viable presence as a prospective presidential candidate in 2012.”

– The Quiet Revolution – über die Veränderung unser Hörgewohnheiten durch Walkman und iPod (via Kikis Gezwitscher)

“The Walkman offered listeners something far more powerful than free music. It gave them control: control of what was heard; control of when it was heard; control of where it was heard; control, ultimately, of the listener’s environment. Consciously or not, that’s what the record industry was really fighting in 1984, and what they’re fighting even more fiercely today. Not loss of revenue. Loss of control.”

– die Diplomarbeit Kulinarische Momentaufnahmen über Foodblogs, unter anderem mit der Vorspeisenplatte

– Was haben wir früher nur ohne Twitter gemacht? (via cartoonists Gezwitscher)