Eben in der Videothek, die ich nach sechs Wochen Abstinenz wieder betrat:

Videothekar so: Warst du im Knast?

Ich so: Nee, nur in Berlin.

Videothekar so: Wie in dem Film: “We thought you were dead!” “Me too, but it was just Oklahoma.”

(Was zur Hölle ist das für ein Film?)

Edit: Thies hat einen Tipp, der wahrscheinlich zutrifft – Unforgiven. Zitat imdb:

English Bob: Little Bill, well I thought you was, well I thought that you were dead. (…) Well, actually, what I heard was that you fell off your horse, drunk of course, and that you broke your bloody neck.

Little Bill Daggett: I heard that one myself, Bob. Hell, I even thought I was dead ’til I found out it was just that I was in Nebraska.