Laut Variety wird es einen Spielfilm über unser aller Liebling, den Eurovision Song Contest, geben. Das Drehbuch soll von Borat-Autor Dan Mazer stammen.

Via Go Fug Yourself, die natürlich auch ihren Senf zum Wettbewerb beizutragen haben:

„Just because we’re not invited to the party – just because we’re cursed with geographic undesirability – doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be allowed to press our flushed, thrilled faces against the window and gawk at the delicious theatrical, colorful, cross-dressing antics happening inside. Why, this year alone, the semi-finals featured sword-wielding backup dancers, male nudity, a rock opera called “Vampires are Alive,” and a man who started chucking his own underpants around the stage. And while many of us simply call that “Tuesday,” there are still loads of people for whom this is a glorious, intriguing novelty.“

Das letzte ihrer vielen Fotos stammt übrigens von der lieblichen georgischen Sängerin, für die angerufen habe.